49 - 54 out of 54

Diagnostic performance of the combined nasal and throat swab for COVID-19 Professor Nicholas Mills Covid-19 Project

Uncertainty remains as to the diagnostic performance of the combined nasal and throat swab, particularly in patients presenting late following the onset o...
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Utilisation and value of procalcitonin testing in NHS Lothian patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Dr Sara Jenks Covid-19 Project

Procalciton in is a marker of bacterial infection which can be measured in the blood. Data has shown it is able to be used as a prognostic marker in COVID...
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A multi-disciplinary virtual or one-stop clinic for post-COVID patients Professor Nikhil Hirani Covid-19 Project

COVID-19 can cause multiple medical problems, for example pneumonia, kidney failure, confusion, blood clots etc. that involve different specialists, in th...
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Regular reports on COVID-19 cases admitted to NHSL secondary care to support regional research strategy Professor Tim Walsh Covid-19 Project

The COVID-19 pandemic requires an urgent effort to both understand the disease and its impact on people, and also research to rapidly find effective treat...
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Assessment of the benefit of adding COVID-19 serology testing on admission to try and optimise the diagnosis of COVID-19 - serology testing on admission Dr Sara Jenks Covid-19 Project

When patients are tested for COVID on admission to hospital with a nasal swab it is possible that a negative result may be a false negative i.e. they test...
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Direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on acute cardiac care Dr Anda Bularga Covid-19 Project

COVID-19 is an infection caused by a new coronavirus strain that has resulted in a global spread. Our understanding of this condition is improving with in...
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