1 - 8 out of 54

Survival extrapolation use case - an OMOP study using the SESCD cancer database Dr Mahéva Vallet Non Covid-19 Project

The use of hospital data has significantly expanded in the past years to better understand treatment patterns and patients’ characteristics. Comparing tre...
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Investigating the regularity of collection of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in adults vs children Dr Holly Tibble Non Covid-19 Project

Asthma affects more than 1 in 10 people in the UK. If untreated, asthma attacks can lead to unease and at worst death. In the UK alone, every 10 seconds, ...
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Acute Appendicitis In The COVID-19 Era. Management, Outcomes, And Recurrence Mr Georgios - Ioannis Verras Covid-19 Project

The aim of this project is to establish the impact of the recent COVID-19 pandemic on the management approach to emergency surgical conditions. As a model...
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Defining multimorbidity in emergency department attendees and its impact on care processes, pathways and outcomes Professor Nazir Lone Non Covid-19 Project

People with two or more long-term conditions at the same time (multimorbidity) can have complex care needs. The number of people in our community with mul...
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Developing an artificial intelligence tool for dementia risk from routine healthcare data Dr Atul Anand Non Covid-19 Project

More people are living with dementia. This can be a devastating and life-limiting condition that is of clear importance for the public, NHS and social car...
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Energy poverty: How does the home influence the risk and recovery of childhood respiratory infections? Dr Olivia Swann Non Covid-19 Project

Energy poverty (when a household must spend a large amount of their income to keep their home warm) is a growing problem. Cold, damp and badly ventilated ...
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Delirium, multimorbidity, and outcomes in acutely hospitalised patients Dr Rose Penfold Non Covid-19 Project

Background: Delirium is a common and serious problem for older people. It is a form of confusion which starts suddenly. Around one in four older people wh...
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Risk assessment and treatment of patients with coronary heart disease Dr Dorien Kimenai Non Covid-19 Project

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Secondary prevention is focused on patients with known heart disease to prevent a second heart even...
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